PhD. Eng. Marcelo Forets Researcher in Applied Mathematics. Developer.

Tutor of Introduction à la Recherche en Laboratoire

Introduction a la recherche en laboratoire is a course proposed at the Ensimag engineering school (2nd year), and the aim is that students develop a (small) research project in a research team.

This semester, I was the co-tutor (together with Goran Frehse), of the student Frédéric Viry, who worked in the project:

Reachability of high-dimensional dynamical systems through low-dimensional projections.

In this project, a new decomposition-based strategy is built for the reachability analysis of high-dimensional affine systems. Moreover, Frédéric developed a Julia module for efficient reachability analysis in low dimensions which uses support functions as set representations.

Check the general audience wiki (in French) here for additional info and references.