PhD. Eng. Marcelo Forets Researcher in Applied Mathematics. Developer.

SageMath Talk at Pythonistas Meetup

The Groupe d’utilisateurs Python – Grenoble (Pythonistas) is an internet users group of the Python programming language and the techonologies around it; from the French description:

Groupe d’utilisateurs de Python pour discuter de tout ce qui tourne autour de Python mais aussi d’autres langages et technologies developeurs

The group has currently 282 members, and more than 30 meetups in a wide range of topics have taken place, about open source, programming in Python, software and web development, among others. See the group webpage for further information.

In Tuesday, October 10th, I will give an introductory talk on SageMath and the Scientific Python ecosystem. Find below the abstract of my talk, and here is the webpage of the meetup event.

Here is the abstract of my talk:

SageMath is a community-driven mathematics software system, built on top of many existing open-source packages such as NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Sympy, Maxima and many more, its mission being to provide a viable alternative to commercial software such as Matlab, Mathematica, etc. In this talk we will cover the basics of SageMath using Jupyter notebooks. The examples can be tried online in the collaborative computing environment CoCalc. In the final part of the talk, we will see how to easily integrate with Cython (an optimising static compiler), getting the combined power of Python and C under the same umbrella.