PhD. Eng. Marcelo Forets Researcher in Applied Mathematics. Developer.

PDE Methods in Control

The week of 23-26 January I followed an outstanding course Partial Differential Equation Methods in Control, given by Prof. Eduardo...

Polytopes in Sage

In two months time, I’ll participate in Sage Days 84: Polytopes in Sage. The meeting will take place at the...

IQFA Conference Talk

The 7th colloquium of the CNRS GDR Quantum Engineering, Foundations and Applications (IQFA) was held in Telecom ParisTech (Paris), from...

Semaine Interactions Math-Entreprise

On the week of 24-28 October 2016, I participated in the Semaine d’Étude Maths-Info Entreprises (SEMIE). It was held at...

BCAM Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics

On September 1-2 2016, I attended the 2nd BCAM Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems. It was held in...

Doctoral thesis: Marches quantiques et Mecanique Quantique Relativiste

On 10th Dec, 2015 I defended my PhD thesis in Mathematics and Informatics at Université Joseph Fourier (which in 2016...

Meeting on Relativistic Quantum Walks

Meeting on Relativistic Quantum Walks, Grenoble. February 6th-7th, Univ. Joseph Fourier, Grenoble France.